I like organizing. This is why the sorting-of-the-laundry provides such joy for me.
Place dark, normal wash items in sorter next to white items next to dark, gentle wash items. Towels in a basket and sheets straight in the washing machine.
However, this organizing gift seems to diasppear the moment the clothes are clean. I like the process of hanging clothes (two quick slides and - poof - done!) but the folding? Not so much.
This may stem from the fact that growing up there was no real time to fold all ten loads of clothes every day. And so, we would have to "FOLD" every week. And when I say fold, I mean three hours, of at least three people folding, sorting, matching, etc.
With two of us, this task is much less daunting, however, I think my psyche still recoils when the clean laundry appears in the dryer. You'd think that with the ease of modern machinery, I'd be able to push past my fears, fold the few items and put them away!
With this analysis now complete, guess what I'm off to do?
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7 years ago
I can't stand putting laundry away. I could let it accumulate forever if my husband didn't harass me about it.
Funny thing is that my closet is color coordinated and seperated then again by short sleeve, long sleeve and no sleeve. Sweaters hang in the sweater thing, dresses and pants are seperate, sweatshirts are folded on top of the shelf and color seperated.
And why do I have so much trouble with just hanging them on hangers and the shelf?
Me too. Actually, the worst part for me is actually putting away the folded garments. I really don't like that. So they sit in the hamper all folded until next laundry time when I have hurriedly put away all the clothes just so I can scoop up the big piles that have been on my closet floor instead of in the hamper! Blah.
To my dear Valerie, above. I failed to have you take copious notes on doing laundry. Thanks to your very intelligent Dad, you got to do your own starting about when you were 11. I am sorry I failed you.
KT--I have had the privilige of helping a big family I know very closely, and I have found out about laundry in a way I never knew, just raising 3. My previous thoughts on the subject have been more clarified--it's called EXHAUSTION!
You've got that right, Pat! :) I'm finally starting to rebound in the energy area after 8 years out from under my parent's roof! :)
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