A crazy week - and it's only Wednesday! I have been working feverishly to get done with my weekly tasks both at work and home so I can leave for a weekend away with my mom and 2 of my sisters. We headed to Joplin, MO for a Women's Conference at Ozark Christian College. This has become a tradition for my mom and I and even though it is always busy to get ready to leave, I'm glad to just get away for a few days and fill my head and heart with great teaching and Biblical wisdom. Because I still have MANY things left to accomplish before I leave, I'll make this short and sweet. As of June 1, 2006 I will no longer be teaching piano lessons! I told you on my last posting that I was going to be clearing my schedule - and that will definately do it! Eric and I figured out I've been teaching for 12 years! That's almost 1/2 my life! And even though I love the kids (usually) and don't hate teaching, I feel there are other things in my life that should be priorities right now. One of my first posts said we were trying to get into shape - HA! This has not happened yet - and one of the reasons is because I teach until 7:00 most nights a week and Eric and I had no time or energy after eating and cleaning up to do any sort of activity. So, exercising and preparing more nutricious foods will move higher up on the list (have you ever realized how much TIME it takes to actually plan and make healthy foods? Bad-for-you food are so much quicker!) and I will use this empty time to figure out the best way for God to use me. I've been thinking of starting a support group for married women. I think there would be a great demand at our church and sometimes the best way to get involved in something is to start it yourself! Well, so much for "short and sweet!" Pray for my trip - good weather and no car trouble! Here's a great thought for the weekend (courtesy of Heartlight.com)