It's official - I will never, could never, be a scientist. The one aspect that appeals to me is the analness required for experiments. Otherwise, the terminology - YOU CAN HAVE IT! Today, these are the brand new terms I was exposed to during my 1 hour lecture (and I have to look at my notes for this): true-breeding, monohybrid, parental cross, alleles, gametes, Punnett Square, genotype, phenotype, test cross, dihybrid and dihybrid cross. Now if, from that list, you knew I was studying genetics, kudos to you! For the rest of you, welcome to my world twice weekly! I leave lecture in a fog of terms and new ideas I feel I should have known about years ago but didn't. So, I struggle to understand at least the basic concepts to barely pass the tests. Now, off to the textbook.
I knew you were talking genetics cuz that's what we just studied on my class. BUt I will admit mine sounds much easier than yours- no tests, just lecture than videos and 2 papers to write. Our teacher pretty much seems to give everyone an A. Doane is way to easy!!!
Growing up sounds like a blast.
Can't wait.
I have real dreams/nightmares about being in school. Usually my dream includes some sort of test or homework where I've completely failed and don't have the slightest clue what we're studying. It's horrible. I guess it is presumptous to think that I'd come through 17 years of schooling and not be scarred.
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