New subject: Sunday began our first day of Running Week 9 - running 13 minutes, walking 2 minutes. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought. It is a huge jump from 9 to 13 minutes though! I always want to give up at about 23 minutes into the whole workout - any suggestions to keep myself motivated? Eric tries, but all he says is "You can do it!" and at that point I don't feel I can! GRRRR! I think I really need music - when all I hear is "SLAP - SLAP (WHEEZE IN!) SlAP -SLAP (WHEEZE OUT!) SLAP - SLAP (WHEEZE IN!) SlAP -SLAP (WHEEZE OUT!)SLAP - SLAP (WHEEZE IN!) SlAP -SLAP (WHEEZE OUT!) SLAP - SLAP (WHEEZE IN!) SlAP -SLAP (WHEEZE OUT!) SLAP - SLAP (WHEEZE IN!) SlAP -SLAP (WHEEZE OUT!)SLAP - SLAP (WHEEZE IN!) SlAP -SLAP (WHEEZE OUT!)" I feel like laying down on the gravel and giving up forever! :) (Wasn't that little description even driving you crazy? ) So, let me know if you think of anything motivational for me!
New Subject #2: I am also thinking a little thought about finishing out my education. I have taken 1 year of college classes and really think I need to get my bachelors. Eric and I have been discussing...and discussing...and discussing our futures lately. After contemplating and praying a bit more, I have a feeling this is where my road will lead. It feels strange for me to go back to school full time - I always thought after we got married, I'd get pregnant(and pregnant) and would be raising 2 sets of twins by now! I just need to adjust my mind to our current circumstances and be ready to run where God leads. I don't want to follow His will reluctantly, dragging my feet or grumbling about what could have been or what could be. I want to be ready to sprint in the right direction (that's why I've been running!) JK! :) Pray for our upcoming decisions - Eric and I both have BIG forks in our road! I think it looks like a double-branched fork - there are more than 2 options: (ex: AA AB BB BA) Lots of exciting things coming (I think!) and I want to know we're in keeping with God's plan through it all.
The wheezing part about did me in. I can't think of anything motivating except for maybe dangle a small picture of yourself that you absolutely hate in front of you to keep you moving. Every time I see a certain picture of myself on our computer screen saver I think to myself, "NEVER AGAIN". :) Love you. Big decisions, eh? Do I sound Canadian?
AACK! My great Nebraska friend is morphing into CA - eh? I know, I know, three of your favorite people in the world are Canadian, but retain your heritage! :) Thanks for the suggestions, by the way! :) I'll try to find a gross pic of me! :)
YAY! My mom commented on my blog! This is a day that will live in infamy! (sp?) Now you know why I want you to read my blog! :) You can keep up with my incredibly "exciting" life! :) Love you Mom!
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