Here's my day in list format:
1. Woke up at 9:13 a.m. - Bliss!
2. Tried to post my 25 Random Things on Facebook, pressed the back button, and lost the whole list. Too frustrated to start again.
3. Let Nala out to bask all morning long. I tried to get her to come back in, but she would have none of it!
4. Worked on a colon cancer story for a newsletter at work. Let me just say, YUCK!
5. Redesigned brochures and other materials for a hospice organization for work.
6. Created poster presentations - again, for work.
7. Made a wonderful scrambled egg concoction for "brunch."
8. Did dishes while Sadie laid on my feet.
9. Finished story about colon cancer - while watching the end of Blades of Glory on TV. A very strange combination.
10. Started laundry and picked up a few things around the house.
11. Organized the gross of toilet paper we bought last night. Ok, it was only 20 rolls, but feels like more when crammed into the Tiny House's bathroom closet.
12. Talked to Eric a few times while he worked at a side job. He works really hard to keep us in Financial Peace.
13. Checked my email every 20 minutes, hoping for a response to a necessary email - have yet to receive one!
14. Am posting while laundry washes and dogs lounge around.
15. Plan on renting a movie, cooking a wonderful shrimp pasta thing and hanging out with my man tonight.
Hope you had a great Saturday!
Путешествие по Балканам за 650 рублей
7 years ago
I was home sick with sick kids, while Dennis was away practicing for praise team on Saturday. Hmmm.
Shrimp pasta sounds good! And illegal (for me). :)
Do you generally have that amount of work to do on Saturdays--for your job? Hope you enjoyed the time with your man, and a belated happy 8th anniversary and __th birthday. Hope that covers the bases for Jan. because it is Feb. 1st. The year is 1/12th gone!
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